
In Search Of The Lost Chord (deluxe - The Moody Blues

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Departure (00:00:45)
Ride my see-saw (00:03:39)
Dr. Livingstone, I presume (00:02:59)
House of four doors (Part 1) (00:04:13)
Legend of a mind (00:06:37)
House of four doors (Part 2) (00:01:47)
Voices in the sky (00:03:29)
The best way to travel (00:03:14)
Visions of paradise (00:04:15)
The actor (00:04:39)
The word (00:00:49)
Om (00:05:50)
Departure (Alternate Mix) (00:00:56)
The best way to travel (Additional Vocal Mix) (00:04:04)
Legend of a mind (Alternate Mix) (00:06:45)
Visions of paradise (Instrumental Version) (00:04:32)
What am I doing here? (Original Version) (00:03:56)
The word (Mellotron Mix) (00:01:03)
Om (Extended Version) (00:06:09)
A simple game (Justin Hayward Vocal Mix) (00:03:28)
King and queen (1968 Studio Recording) (00:03:56)
Doctor Livingstone I presume (00:02:59)
Voices in the sky (00:03:54)
Thinking is the best way to travel (00:03:40)
Ride my see saw (00:03:51)
Tuesday afternoon (00:03:26)
A simple game (1968 Single 'B' Side) (00:03:45)