Haul away the browline (00:01:55)
When the boat comes in (00:02:36)
All for me grog (00:02:23)
Goodbye fare ye well (00:02:24)
No hopers, jokers & rogues (00:03:01)
A sailor isn't a sailor (00:02:55)
Fisherman's blues (00:03:56)
A sailor's life (00:02:42)
Nancy of yarmouth (00:02:39)
Barrett's privateers (00:04:05)
Go to sea no more (00:03:13)
The wild cape horn (00:04:38)
Homeward bound (00:03:08)
The bonny ship the diamond (00:02:09)
Sing fare you well (00:02:34)
The shallow sea (00:04:29)
John B sail (00:03:00)
The little pot stove (00:03:41)
Tommy's gone to Hilo (00:02:10)
The black ball line (00:03:04)
What shall we do with the drunken sailor (00:02:52)
Row bullies row (00:02:35)
Boney way a warrior (00:01:18)
Shenandoah (00:04:39)
Time for us to leave (00:02:07)
Paddy West (00:04:25)
Bound for the Rio Grande (00:02:23)
The handsome cabin boy (00:04:41)
Henry Martin (00:03:04)
Sally Brown (00:01:12)
Whisky Johnny (00:02:01)
Whuip jamboree (00:01:21)
The arbroath tragedy (00:02:46)
Haul away Joe (00:01:54)
The maid of Amsterdam (00:01:51)
The banks of Newfoundland (00:03:24)
Santa Anna (00:02:06)
While cruising round Yarmouth (00:02:52)
The golden vanity (00:03:02)
Wild goose shanty (00:01:25)
Blow the man down (00:01:35)
Jack Tar (00:02:10)
The mermaid (00:02:57)
Fine girl you are (00:01:43)
Spanish ladies (00:02:36)
A hundred years ago (00:01:12)
Admiral benbow (00:02:16)
Long years ago (00:02:37)
A-roving (00:02:58)
Old Billy Riley (00:00:29)
The shaver (00:02:07)
The drummer and the cook (00:02:26)
Maggie May (00:02:40)
South Australia (00:02:21)
Paddy Doyle (00:00:47)
The banks of Claudy (00:02:51)
Go down you blood red roses (00:02:06)
Do me ama (00:03:30)
Haul on the bowline (00:00:45)
Blow Ye Winds, Heigh Ho (00:02:41)