Zhu Sang Sang (Tibetanisches Volkslied) (00:04:13)
Golden hometown (00:03:39)
Beautiful flowers on the grassland (00:03:04)
Volkslied aus Changdu in Tibet (00:03:41)
Liebeslied (00:02:25)
A Ke Ban Ma (Traditionelles tibetanisches Lied) (00:04:06)
The auspicious mountain (Volkslied aus Naqu) (00:02:50)
Three birds (00:03:03)
Song of toasting 1 (00:02:58)
Volkslied aus Linzhi (00:02:47)
Song of toasting 1 (00:02:15)
Song of toasting: A happy gathering (00:03:21)
Beautiful songs (La Yi, tibetanisches Liebeslied) (00:01:12)
Having the destiny to be together (La Yi, tibetanisches Liebeslied) (00:01:06)
The snowy plateau stands closest to the sun (00:02:12)
Traditionelles tibetanisches Lied (00:01:44)
A good place (00:02:13)
Celebrating harvest (00:01:58)