She walks in beauty (Lord Byron) (00:02:40)
The bridge of sighs (Thomas Hood) (00:04:55)
La belle dame sans merci (John Keats) (00:04:15)
Ode to a nightingale (John Keats) (00:06:49)
To Autumn (John Keats) (00:03:16)
Ozymandias (Percy Bysshe Shelley) (00:03:08)
The prelude: Book one introduction (William Wordsworth) (00:02:50)
Surprised by joy (William Wordsworth) (00:02:08)
To the moon (Percy Bysshe Shelley) (00:02:21)
So we'll go no more a roving (Lord Byron) (00:02:20)
The Lady of Shallot (Lord Alfred Tennyson) (00:11:46)