
Weihnachten In Russland - Don Kosaken Chor Russland

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Nachalo velokogo povecherija (Introduction to the Great Compline) (00:05:15)
S nami Bog (God is with us) (00:05:14)
Deva dnes' (Today the virgin gives birth) (00:02:13)
Nyne otpuschayeshi (Ode of Symeon) (00:03:32)
Shestopsalmiye (The six psalms) (00:04:07)
Velikaya ekteniya (Great Litany) (00:06:20)
Bog Gospod' i yavisya nam (God is the Lord and hath appeared unto us) - Rozhdestvo Tvoye, Khriste Bozhe nash (00:03:18)
Khvalite imya Gospodne (Praise the name of the Lord) (00:04:55)
Velichaniye (Megalynarion) (00:02:41)
Ot yunosti moyeya (From my youth) (00:04:14)
Chteniye Evangeliya (Gospel reading) (00:03:54)
Slava v vyshnikh Bogu (Glory to God in the highest) (00:02:31)
Irmosy kanona i malaya ekteniya (The heirmos of the canon and small litany) (00:02:00)
Velikoye slavosloviye (Great doxology) (00:12:09)
Rozhdestvo Tvoye, Khriste Bozhe nash (Thy nativity, o Christ our God Troparion) (00:01:05)
Sugubaya ekteniya (Litany of supplication) (00:04:37)
Utverdi, Bozhe (Establish, o God) (00:02:39)
Otpust (Dismissal) (00:01:36)
Mnogoletiye (Many years) (00:04:20)