His golden locks time hath to silver turned (00:03:20)
Though you are young and I am old (00:02:19)
Come, cheerful day (00:02:35)
Lost is my liberty (00:02:43)
Ot was a time when silly bees could speak (00:02:32)
Go, passions, to the cruel fair (00:03:18)
Far from triumphing court (00:06:20)
Now each creature (00:02:03)
Time, cruel Time (00:03:05)
He whose desires are still abroad (00:02:19)
Pavan (00:03:26)
Flow not so fast, ye fountains (00:02:44)
What then is love but mourning (00:01:26)
Time stands still (00:04:08)
Gather your rosebuds (00:01:00)
Mignonne allons (00:02:38)