
Music For A While - Christina Pluhar

0,00 €
'Twas with a furlong (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:02:54)
Music for a while (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:05:54)
Strike the viol (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:03:57)
An evening hymn on a ground (00:06:06)
In vain the am'rous flute (00:04:33)
A prince of glorious race descended (00:04:40)
O solitude, my sweetest choice (00:05:23)
When I am laid in earth (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:05:03)
Wondrous machine (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:03:41)
Here the deities approve (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:04:47)
Ah! Belinda (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:04:10)
Hark! How the songsters of grove (00:02:48)
One charming night (bearb. von Christina Pluhar) (00:04:40)
Man is for the woman made (00:01:17)
O let me weep (00:07:18)
Curtain tune on a ground (00:02:56)
Hallelujah (00:06:04)