
Indians Cowboys Horses.. - Tom Russell

0,00 €
Tonight We Ride (00:03:26)
Seven curses (00:05:00)
El paso (00:05:38)
All this way for the short ride (00:03:36)
Bucking horse noon (00:04:01)
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of hearts (00:09:44)
No telling (00:04:11)
Bacon rind, chief Seattle, the ballad of Ira Hayes (00:05:57)
Old blue (00:05:29)
East Texas red (00:05:01)
The ballad of Edward Abbey (00:04:36)
Little blue horse (00:03:09)
Pilgrim land (00:02:19)
Old America (00:04:02)
Hotwalker (00:04:07)
Border lights (00:05:49)
Beat Folk (00:03:01)
Van Ronk (00:07:05)
Bakersfield (00:01:22)
Grapevine (00:03:54)
Woodrow (00:07:14)
Benediction: Edward Abbey (00:03:25)
Honky jazz (00:04:13)
Swap meet Jesus (00:04:21)
Bukowski #1 (00:02:46)
Harry Partch, Jack Kerouac, Lenny Bruce (00:06:36)
Bukowski #2 "On the hustle" (00:03:11)
Bukowski #3 (00:01:12)
Reqiuem (00:02:55)
Coda: Little Jack Horton (00:01:31)
America the beautiful (00:02:14)