Rock me mama (00:03:55)
I came from Clarksdale (00:04:25)
Keep your hand out of my pocket (00:03:25)
Spann's boogie (00:02:05)
Sarah street (00:03:14)
The blues don't like nobody (00:03:33)
Meet me in the bottom (00:02:58)
Lost sheep in the fold (00:04:29)
I got a feeling (00:03:32)
Jangleboogie (00:02:56)
T.99 (00:03:05)
Natural days (00:03:22)
Crack your head (00:02:56)
Iced Nehi (00:02:53)
Wagon wheel (00:03:54)
No sense in worrying (00:03:22)
Dollar twenty five (00:03:37)
Everything's gonna be alright (00:02:59)
Lucky so and so (00:03:06)
Sometimes I wonder (00:04:24)
Mr. highway man (00:02:56)
What will become of me? (00:04:27)
Pretty girls everywhere (00:02:52)
Country boy (00:03:32)
My home is in the delta (00:04:18)
You're gonna need my help (00:03:24)