And did those feet (00:02:32)
For all the saints (00:03:15)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (00:03:25)
Jesus Christ is risen today (00:03:01)
We have a gospel to proclaim (00:03:12)
Be thou my vision (00:02:49)
O for a thousand tongues (00:03:21)
Tell out, my soul (00:02:20)
Crown him with many crowns (00:03:04)
And can it be (00:04:22)
Now thank we all our God (00:02:57)
Morning has broken (00:01:54)
Hills of the North (00:03:11)
Love divine, all loves excelling (00:03:01)
Thine be the glory (00:03:07)
Lord for the years (00:03:48)
O Jesus, I have promised (00:02:51)
This joyful Eastertide (00:02:40)
Be still, for the presence of the Lord (00:02:25)
Glorious things of thee are spoken (00:03:15)
Praise to the Holiest (00:03:38)
O Lord my God (00:03:40)
How shall I sing that majesty (00:02:40)
O thou who camest from above (00:02:31)
Christ is made the sure foundation (00:03:59)