High wide & handsome (00:02:49)
Took my gal out walkin' (00:02:32)
I'm the man who rode the mule around the world (00:03:35)
My mother and my sweetheart (00:03:11)
Bill Mason' s bride (00:02:55)
Goodbye booze (00:02:53)
Old Ballyhoo (00:01:58)
Little waterloo (00:02:53)
I'm glad I'm married (00:03:31)
Mother' s last farewell kiss (00:04:44)
Acress of diamonds (00:02:47)
Way up in NYC (00:04:06)
If I lose (00:03:58)
The great reaping day (00:02:49)
Where the whippoourwill is whispering goodnight (00:03:22)
The man in the moon (00:02:32)
The deal (00:04:09)
No knees (00:02:22)
Moving day (00:02:37)
Old and only in the way (00:03:44)
Ragtime Annie (00:03:33)
Sweet sunny south (00:02:41)
The letter that never came (00:03:07)
Awful hungry hash house (00:04:28)
Rowena (00:02:32)
Didn' t he ramble (00:03:59)
Ramblin' blues (00:03:59)
Charlie' s last song (00:04:59)
Beautiful (00:04:00)
High wide & handsome (00:02:07)