Greencastle blues (00:04:30)
Is This Thing Working? (00:03:19)
Just like old times (00:05:49)
Eighteen minutes speech (00:01:09)
Tension (00:03:57)
Doll face (00:03:02)
Rose city (00:06:59)
Stuck on the corner (00:03:46)
Sunshine (00:06:13)
Bill Elliot story (00:04:43)
Sideshow blues (00:03:00)
45 Miles (00:06:31)
Looking for a job (00:04:18)
Play a train song (00:03:49)
KK rider story (00:08:32)
Don't it make you wanna dance (00:04:20)
East Nashville skyline (00:04:43)
The devil you know (00:06:55)
The ballad of the kingsmen (00:07:21)
America's favourite pastime (00:04:04)
Mushroom story (00:07:53)
Conservative christian, right-wing republican, straight, white, american males (00:04:26)
If tomorrow never comes (00:02:22)
Good fortune (00:04:04)